Friday, October 15, 2010

Today is finally here!

Had a good night sleep, and woke up feeling fresh. So, off we go to the clinic!

Today of all days, my veins are very shy. The nurse at the clinic managed to get it but only manage to draw 0.00002cc blood. Sigh~ So they sent me to the Gribbles lab opposite. We wait for a while because the technician hasn't arrive and they are not open until 9am (we were there 8.45am). Once the lady came, I was soooooo ready and hoping that this is going to be my last time!

Seriously, the vein just won't show - which is normal, but this time they can't even trace ANYTHING! My oh my... I now have 4 puncture holes (3 on left, and 1 on the right). Even when she was trying to draw the blood from the one vein that seems to be more co-operative, it took her forever. She kept pulling and pushing the plunger and my blood to seems to flow so slowly and took her forever to fill up the vial!

Now, all I have to do is: 11am Cyclogest, then have a quickie lunch, then back to the clinic at 1pm for result.

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