Thursday, November 17, 2011

Coming Soon

We went for our Wednesday doctor appointment - started with the EKG again to check in baby's heartbeat. He was sleeping in the beginning of the test but after a while we can tell that he is awake. Which is pretty cool to see his calm heartbeat of 140s jumping to about 160s, and there is so much noise whenever he made his moves!

Then when it's time to see Dr F, I told him about the lingering backache that I have been suffering from since the night before. He showed some concern!!! Hmmm... During the ultrasound scan everything about the baby looks good and in fact he put on a whooping 500gm from last week. He now weighs 3.3kg!

After that Dr F had to do a vaginal exam, which I have no idea how or what way it is to be done. A bit o TMI here, turn away if you don't wanna know!!! He stuck his hands into my vee-jay-jay and by stuck I mean putting his hand into me!!!! OUCH!!!! The pain was pretty intense!!!!! All I can feel was PAIN!!!!! I knew doc was poking and feeling something in there but no idea what it was all about. It was really really painful and it's no joke!!!!

After which Dr F explained that I dilated for about 1cm already and that my cervix felt soft. Hmmm... he called it the early stage of labour- Latent phase. He said it might last from 14-24 hours, it all depends on how my body works. He said even with the show - where the mucous plug is released, there is not certain timing how long the labour is going to be.

So for now, go home and monitor. Oh wow!!! So this is it!! The time has come!

Dr F sent us home and told us to call the clinic the next day to update my status and that I might need to drop by the clinic again if the pain lingers or any other labour signs happen.

So let's wait!!! But yes looks like that he will be here before 20th November!

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