Thursday, December 22, 2011

Plan? What plan?

Some pregnant couples will have a birth plan in order of anticipating the child's birth. Dr F told us very much before hand to throw it out of the window if we have any :) Some couples are very rigid about their birth plans it seems. I'm not one that insisted on anything.

All we planned for me was caesarian and the date - we were dwelling between 11/11 or 20/11. I thought 11/11 was too soon because he needs to stay in there as long as he can so he is more ready for the world. In the end we decided 20/11. My estimated due date isn't until end of the month or early next month anyway.

Well, if I had a plan- it failed big time!! Because our little Andrew decided to come out earlier than 20/11! Well, I tried to put it off but my body told me that it's time already.

Then there is this parenting plan. Well, I did have a few things in mind for after birth and some of them will never work but others worked. I believe you can plan for certain things to happen your way but it will never be all dream come true. For example, I planned very much for breastfeeding but it just never happen. Then I vowed never to give little Andrew a pacifier/soother, but I went ahead and bought one yesterday and gave in to his crankiness to give it a try.

I believe it's not possible to have all thugs your way because the little one will have his/her own personality, his/her own needs. It varies between babies as well. So, I will not be rigid with what I have in mind planned but be more adaptive to Andrew's personality and needs.

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