Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's a learning curve

Everyday I'm discovering new thing about little Andrew.

He had been acting up, not very himself to stay awake for such long hours, and cried whenever I put him back to bed after his feed during the day. After 2 days of same behavior, I realised it was due to the fact that he had been trying to poop and just couldn't get it out.

The whole drama trying to poop will start right after his morning Daddy Bath Time (Oh yes! His daddy get to bath him every morning). He sometimes stayed awake until the next feed or would doze off after his breakfast. If he is awake, he should be sleeping again after the next feed. But as the poo was still stuck, he wouldn't sleep. The whole no sleeping thing will last until he poo!! After which he will be back to his angelic self again.

Poor baby having such tough time trying to poo. I tried to give him water after his feed so it helps to soften the poo. Unfortunately, my little Andrew is such a smarty pants that he knows how not to drink water after milk >.< I would very much prefers he drink a bit to help soften his poo so he won't need to suffer for the whole day trying to push them out.

Now that I know what makes him sleepless and cranky, I just need to figure out how to give him more water to drink.

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