Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sleeping position

I've read over and over again that a pregnant woman should sleep on the side, and left side to be exact. I did ask Dr F about sleeping position. He said, "during early pregnancy, anything is fine even if on your stomach. But as you progress, the stomach gets bigger, that's when you should be sleeping on the side."

Some suggested that sleeping on the right side will link to still birth- but this is totally not proven by any study.

To me, I will sleep any position that pleases the little one. He is the boss! I tried sleeping on say left side, if it's not what he wants, he will POKE on my left so hard that I had to move to sleeping on my right. There are times that he will continue to poke after I turn to my right. So, I will twist and turn until I find the position he likes - even if this means on my back. If I don't move, he will continue his poking session all night long which happened before. So just sleep in any position that pleases him, otherwise there will be no sleep at all!

Lately, hubby and I have tried something else before bed time. This involves hubby to say something to the baby and give my tummy a little rub. So far, it works! :) He slept through the night without much of a hassle. I like it when hubby give me a little tummy rub, it's really soothing and nice. So this shall continue on for the next 21 weeks. Yes, it's 19-week now, and I'm almost half way there! Yippee!!

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