Friday, May 6, 2011

More about my jab meds

I had an earlier posted about some of the meds and jabs that I had, after the IVF, I was still on Proluton jab every 2 days, twice a day Cyclogest and Progynova during my 2-week wait.

Basically Proluton the injectable progesterone which works the same way at Cyclobest. This oily solution is injected intramuscular that hurts your bum for HOURS! I still have one of this in my fridge - doctor gave me in case of emergency if any bleeding occurs and I should go to any clinic and have the injection immediately.

Then this Cyclogest is progesterone pessaries that I had to insert *ahem* in my vee-jay-jay twice a day - 11am & 11pm. Progesterone is normally produced by the ovaries in the second half of the menstrual cycle and also during early pregnancy. This is to ensure the lining of the uterus is optimal for implantation of an embryo. Tips for those using Cyclogest: remember to wear a pantyliner after insertion, as some of the residue could melt and eventually giving you white waxing discharge. So don't freak out if there is any on your panty!

And lastly Progynova a synthetic hormone replacement for oestrogen. Like Cyclogest, this is used to build up the lining of the uterus by thickening of the vagina wall. Like Cyclogest, this will help the implantation of an embryo - i.e. so that baby will stick properly on where it is suppose to be.

I didn't have the Progynova during my failed IVF attempt and was given during this current successful cycle. I probably have really low ability to "stick" so doc gave me so many meds to help building of the lining of my uterus.

I told Dr F, I don't mind ALL the jabs, but the Cyclogest... hmmm... it's something that I wish I don't need to have. I was on twice a day, and reduced to once a day after Week 9. I'm still on my Progynova which is fine - it's so tiny that I can actually swallow it!

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