Thursday, August 25, 2011

Paranoid Me

Like all first time mummies, well maybe even experienced mummies, you can't help but feel paranoid if the baby is doing fine inside. You'll just never know what's going on with the little one side of you.

I have been feeling the baby's movement and kicks all the time. In fact, earlier on there is a rhythm going on! He will be kicking hard at around 11am or 12noon when I'm about to go for lunch, or around midnight when I'm about to go to sleep. But for the last 2 maybe 3 days, his kicks are no longer on time. He will kick anytime of the day whenever he wishes. But I still pretty felt his very strong and powerful kick or punch.

Then yesterday around lunch time, he wasn't really doing as much kick. If he doesn't kick up a storm around lunch, he would do it around dinner time. But diner came, dinner gone, still not much of a movement. Then I waited for his scheduled midnight exercise, still nothing. When I was sleeping on my side, which he usually hates and will give me the hardest kick of all, nothing much. I probably felt a little rubbing inside, but not the normal power kick.

I guess to much kicking, and he's too tired.

And morning came, which normally won't give me much of a feel of him kicking or moving, I was getting worried because he hasn't really kick. I was still waiting... then at about lunch time, I felt some slight movement, but still not the strong kick that I was expecting.

Finally the kick came, though it was just maybe 2-3 kicks, at least I felt much better knowing that he is still there with me. I get so worried he moved and kicked less. I read up that he could move less at days, so I'm hoping that he is perfectly fine, well protected by by fats and his amniotic fluid in my tummy. I'm only due to see the doctor in another 2 weeks, so I hope all is good. Seeing doctor every 4 weeks kinda paranoid you. I wish I can get back to the schedule where I see Dr F more often! Seeing his ultrasound scan showing the heart beat or him moving, really assured you that all is good. So in the meantime while waiting for the next appointment, it's all about him moving and kicking and your instinct that everything is alright.

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