Sunday, October 16, 2011

My favourite trimester

This home stretch is really getting on me- my back still hurts from time to time, the rib pain isn't going away either, the nether region pain is disturbing my sleep, frequent toilet visits at night, my hate for stairs got worst, and now I'm getting this weird sensation that even I don't know how to describe hanging around my throat. It's not nausea or garlic breath, and not even close to sore throat. There is no pain, just a weird sensation that I felt like something is stuck in my throat like a furball or mucousball and there is no getting rid of it- no matter how much I burp or cough.

It's not constantly there but it comes and go. And I have no idea how I get it or how to get rid of it. Sigh.

Oh I'm suppose to talk about my favourite trimester and no, third trimester is definitely not it. I had a relatively easy first trimester with pretty much none or little horrible first trimester symptoms that many pregnant women had. But I prefers second trimester :) I felt more at ease during the second trimester, knowing that he is now safer in me and that the risk of losing him is relatively much lower. And I could do pretty much what a normal person can do- I can walk freely and longer without backache! When I'm not as big as I am now, there are less stare. I was better with long distance car ride, eat better (no compressed stomach or indigestion), less toilet visits during the night... the list goes on and on!!! I just love second trimester! :)

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