Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Today I served the other half portion of the carrot porridge, and this time it was a success! Little Andrew finished the bowl of porridge in no time. So I guess it really wasn't the taste that he didn't like yesterday, it must have been he was cranky/moody. 

I read many websites to give baby formula first then the solids, I never really do so. I tried to time baby's feeding schedule, I always try to feed him at least 30 minutes before his meal. This way he is not too cranky (oh believe me the baby can be very cranky when he is hungry!) to finish the solids I gave him. And I didn't want to add milk into the porridge I made, so he will get the real taste of food and not relying too much on having the milk taste in every food that he takes. 

So for now, his "meal" time has been"
- 180ml milk if he wakes up around 7am (if not will skip this) so he will go back to sleep
- 180ml milk after his favourite bubble bath around 9am-10am
- fruit puree 30mins before his lunch time milk
- 180ml milk for lunch around 12noon- 1pm
- 180ml milk for tea time around 3pm - 4pm
- porridge/baby rice around 6pm - 7pm
- 180ml milk before he goes to bed

It's 4-5 times milk, one fruit portion and then one solids meal for a day.

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