Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sleep... again...

Little Andrew's sleeping pattern has been all over the place! He used to go to bed and wakes up quite on schedule but lately it's going crazy again!!!

There are nights, he would wake up at 3am and won't go back to sleep with or without milk. Sometimes giving him milk works. Otherwise he would be rolling, bouncing, making noises, shouting, disturbing daddy but mostly mummy coz daddy is dead asleep! And he could go on and on and on for 2 hours!

Then there were times he would wake up only at 7am! The difference is he sometimes will not go back to sleep even after 2 hours. In the end it's shower and breakfast downstairs. Then he will have some playtime and followed by lunch by noon. Sometimes he couldn't even make it to lunch and is already sleepy. And we will have trouble during lunch! He will eat little because of his sleepiness leading to crankiness! And then there are times he will
still chow down his lunch and proceed with his nap after that.

There were occasions when he woke up at 7am and return to sleep at about 8am and sleep till 11am! And then he will shower and have a heavy lunch! On these occasions, there will be no afternoon nap!!! Oh deary my! I would be super exhausted but he still has enough energy to last till the night!

So the sleep patterns really is crazy lately. I am not sure if I should blame it on teething. I thought I could feel hardening of the gum but I can't see for sure. So I'm not blaming it solely on teething If it is then he will probably have a full set of teeth before turning 2!!!! This is crazy. I'm hoping if we can get it over and done with, we can avoid the terrible 2 stage! Dream on!!

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