Friday, August 17, 2012

9 months already

At each milestone, I will repeat this, "Babies grow too fast!" Yes indeed they grow up too fast. It felt like yesterday, ok last month sounds less dramatic, that little Andrew was born. I just cannot believe that he is already 9 months old already! Very soon my baby will upgrade to toddler soon. Sniff.

He can tripod very well on any surface now. The only problem is he always think daddy or mummy will always "catch me when I fall!" He will just go backflip on us not realising we are
not there to hold him. It's ok when he does that on our bed, but it's dangerous when he does it on his crib or on the floor!

He sits pretty firmly on all highchairs but hates sitting in them for too long. I really got to do something about this!

Little Andrew crawls but at times he needs to be motivated to climb- phones, iPad, REMOTE CONTROL etc. I hate the idea he crawls for the remote control. Do you know how much germs are there!!! And I also hate the fact that he thinks he can have the remote control and only to be taken away from him - which makes him angry.

He is definitely trying to walk! Thank goodness I didn't buy him a walker. Otherwise he would run into everyone's toe all the time.

He LOVES food. Or wants to try to eat. He wants what we are drinking or eating. He eats his food but sometimes depending on his mood he couldn't finish it.

Little Andrew is a people charmer I must say- but then again it depends in his mood! Why are babies so moody!! He likes people-watching but it's not all the time he will let you carry him.

I know I'm bias but my little Andrew is really the cutest baby in the world! So please don't grow up too fast!!

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