Thursday, July 29, 2010


After poking myself for n-number of days, today's doctor review was - "Abandon treatment" I saw Dr F writing that down on my patient's folder. The rest of the content - I just couldn't make up of the rest of the doctor's handwriting.

I visited the doc 2 days ago for follow-up after 5 days of Gonal-F jab. The jab is suppose to help "manufacture" more follicles than the usual cycles. But the scan showed 2 on the left and none on the right ovaries. So Dr F ordered a blood test to check on my hormone levels. He gave me a "booster jab" for 2 days to see if it will help.

So today (2 days after my last visit), I went back to see Dr F for another scan. Well, it turned out that it's still the same 2 follicles on the left ovaries and nothing on the right. And the 2 follicles are 12mm (I think it's mm) but the ideal size should be around 17mm by now. Dr F was really thorough with the scan, making sure that he didn't miss any follicles hidden somewhere.

Even after much effort, nothing... So Dr F sat me down and this is when he told me that we should stop the treatment for this cycle. He mentioned that there are not enough follicles to be harvested, and the lesser the follicles/eggs, the success rate is even lower. So it's best not to proceed for this cycle.

What's next? Well, Dr F said to let my menstrual come and then I should see him again on Day 2 or 3. But he said to continue the treatment after 2 menstrual cycle. But next month, I still need to go on the contraceptive pills.

So... as of now, I don't need to do any jab, no medications... let my body to the work for now. And rest my poor needle-hole-filled tummy...

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