Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Sleep is something that is so uncertain for little Andrew. He can sometimes sleep through the nights. So I really have no idea why sometimes he can't! And if he doesn't, it is always at around 3am that he will stir and wake up. And lately, he will only go back to sleep after 2 hours of rolling, walking, fussing, chewing, bouncing, mumbling... It's the same if I gave him milk immediately or 2 hours later. Gotta work this out why is he waking up...

His nap time is quite fixed, by 1pm he will most likely need his nap. Sometimes it's 1 hour and most of the time is 2 hours. And occasionally it's 3 hours of nap. As much as possible, little Andrew should not nap beyond 4pm, 3pm is best. This is so he can sleep early at night. Most of the time, he will not require any patting or humming and he can fall asleep by himself.

At night, if he is super duper exhausted, he can sleep by 8.30pm. Otherwise it's 9.30pm. Anything beyond 10pm is very rare which is good because he will tend to wake up by 8ish and occasionally 9ish (whether it's sleep though the night or after his stunt sessions at 3am).

Most nights, little Andrew will still need patting and lullaby to help him fall asleep.But lately I am shortening the duration of patting and humming. If he doesn't fall asleep after a while of patting and humming then I will let him be and he will have his usual stunts of rolling, standing up, walk about, and the thing I wish he would stop doing, biting and chewing the pillows!!!!! Once he had enough, he will find his spot, usually my arm, and fall asleep.

Until now, we are still co-sleeping. I am not sure when will he be moving to his own room. For now I'm enjoying it - even if this means less space on the bed or getting kicked in the face! I am thinking maybe after he is toilet train or is able to TALK!!!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

18 teeth and counting

Baby, your teeth is growing way too fast! I'm so scared that they will rot before you turn 6 when your permanent teeth grows! We are 4 years away from that!

Little Andrew must be feeling so frustrated with the itchy gum that he is chewing EVERY TIME before he sleeps. The pillows and the blanket is smelling of his saliva which actually makes them all smelling like little Andrew! Haha!

We've got to break this chewing habit!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

WIP: Self-feeding

At 20mo, we are still a long way from fully self-feeding cleanly but it's nonetheless good progress!