At first it was on the left arm inside of my elbow, nothing. Even after she took out the needle, there isn't much blood that came after it. So failure number one. After which, she was contemplating. Right Arm - not good. Left (back of the) Hand vs Right (back of the) Hand - which has the bigger and more visible vein. She chose Right Hand. And so this humongous needle pierced through my skin right above my index finger. That was ok but the mother of all pain came when she tried to maneuver the needle inside to get the vein. The pain is no longer just surface pain, the kind of excruciating pain traveled up the nerve from my hand up my arm and into my whole body. It wasn't one time off! Every time she turned the needle, I felt the same pain traveling through my whole body. It was indescribable pain. Sigh, I had to go through this EACH time I had to do blood test.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Worst Pain Ever
Yesterday I had to do E2 blood test that measures the amount of a hormone called estradiol in the blood. Estradiol is the most important form of Estrogen found in our body. And this time the surgical nurse wasn't around to do it. So I was sent to the Gribbles lab located opposite the clinic. When I was there, the same lady came and saw me and kinda told her that her worst nightmare, i.e. ME, is back. True enough, it wasn't only her worst case, it was mine too.
At first it was on the left arm inside of my elbow, nothing. Even after she took out the needle, there isn't much blood that came after it. So failure number one. After which, she was contemplating. Right Arm - not good. Left (back of the) Hand vs Right (back of the) Hand - which has the bigger and more visible vein. She chose Right Hand. And so this humongous needle pierced through my skin right above my index finger. That was ok but the mother of all pain came when she tried to maneuver the needle inside to get the vein. The pain is no longer just surface pain, the kind of excruciating pain traveled up the nerve from my hand up my arm and into my whole body. It wasn't one time off! Every time she turned the needle, I felt the same pain traveling through my whole body. It was indescribable pain. Sigh, I had to go through this EACH time I had to do blood test.
And a day after that, this is what's left of it...
At first it was on the left arm inside of my elbow, nothing. Even after she took out the needle, there isn't much blood that came after it. So failure number one. After which, she was contemplating. Right Arm - not good. Left (back of the) Hand vs Right (back of the) Hand - which has the bigger and more visible vein. She chose Right Hand. And so this humongous needle pierced through my skin right above my index finger. That was ok but the mother of all pain came when she tried to maneuver the needle inside to get the vein. The pain is no longer just surface pain, the kind of excruciating pain traveled up the nerve from my hand up my arm and into my whole body. It wasn't one time off! Every time she turned the needle, I felt the same pain traveling through my whole body. It was indescribable pain. Sigh, I had to go through this EACH time I had to do blood test.
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