Besides having strangers staring at your tummy, you will probably come across a lot of small talks from strangers - from the lady from your nearest supermarket, or the petrol station attendance, even the waitress during lunch.
You sometimes get acquaintances you have not spoken to ages asking you some intimate questions.
I sometimes felt uneasy having these strangers or acquaintances asking you questions like:
Are you pregnant?
I have some FB friends whom I've not spoken to in a lifetime asking me this question. I do appreciate the concern, thank you very much. But I find it a bit uneasy sharing it on FB in the beginning and I tried not to divulge too much. As I progress, I think I'm more at ease with this question.
How many months are you pregnant now? When is the baby due?
Errrr... I still find it uneasy having strangers asking me this because.... errrr.... you are not coming to the baby's birth in the hospital are you?
Is it a boy or a girl?
Totally private question that I only want to share with my family and friends. Some people are happy to share this, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy sharing with family and friends, but strangers... Seriously... Maybe it's just me. I mean when I found out an acquaintance is pregnant, I will say "Congratulations." I think I will hardly ask if it's a boy or girl.
Is it twins?
You see I'm one half of a Twins and everyone will assume I will have Twins or something! Gawd! It has NEVER cross my mind to ask other twins that they are having twins!! Why on earth these people ask silly question like this! Twins birth by nature is a miracle, it's something that doesn't necessary happen to twins mom! Come on!!!! I think I find it some what offensive because I tried so hard for so many years just to have this one precious little one in me now. How I wish too that when doctor did the ultrasound scan and he found 2 heart beat. I am still grateful to have one heart beat, and he is still my precious - even more so precious than precious.
How long are you married? (11 years now) Oh, what took you so long?
Gawd... getting pregnant is a very private matters. Just like why some couples decided never to have a child and you go asking "why not?" and gave one hell of a lecture. It's especially hard for me to answer that partly because we have gone through so many treatment to get to where we are today and I am not comfortable over-sharing our long treatment journey.
Oh you did IVF. Why not try for Twins?
I was like totally feeling the "WTF" almost came out of my month when someone I told that we did IVF to get pregnant. I had 4 embryos transferred and in the end I have this one precious surviving all odds. And I am grateful and thankful that this one precious made it this far. I seriously find this question WTF.
I've read articles where there are more annoying questions were asked to other preggers like:
- Are you going to have natural birth?
- Why are you doing a caesarian?
- You look big, are you x month pregnant?
- I bet it's a girl, isn't it? No, it's a boy. Really? But the way you carry certainly looks like a girl.
- Oh you are x months already. You still can't feel the baby kicking yet?
I'm sure the list can go on and on. So for now, I"m taking it easy, trying not to get annoyed. I'm trying my best to keep my raging hormone in check from time to time.
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