I told him about my 2 migraines while on Microgynon. He assured me that it can't be due to the medication since I was ok the last time, and even if it is due to the medication, it should happen immediately on day 1. Well, hopefully it will not happen again!
After a quickie ultra scan, all is clear and is good to go!
So this time, I will start my Buserelin on 20th Feb (Sun) for 0.02cc - one in the morning and one in the evening. Then the next day (21st Feb, Mon), I will have additional morning jabs of 400IU of Puregon and 0.5ml of Menopur.
Dr F mentioned that the "pick-up" date is estimated to me around mid-March.
After seeing Dr F, I waited for my name to be called for my medication pick-up. Boy, am I in for a surprise blood test!!! I can not afraid of the needles but it's such a hassle every time the nurses tried to draw blood out of my shy vein. Today, another nurse tried - she's the one from the surgical team. I only see her when I go for surgery. So her first attempt - on my right hand. Found the vein, poke and sooooo little blood slowly dripping into the syringe... I thought, oh no... not another time?? Well, the nurse was persistent and waited and poke deeper, held onto different position and slowly the blood dripped - drop by drop. The syringe was on the back of my palm for the LONGEST time. Well, at least I'm happy that it's one time got it over & done with! Yaye!
After that another nurse explained my medications to me - the schedule, the dosage, the usage etc. I'm such a good patient - I was thinking to myself. I didn't need much explanation as it was still very fresh in my memory how to administer myself. The only difference this time is the dosage. The nurse gave me my jab schedule with the dosage written on it - so all I need to is follow the schedule! And then I'm due back to see Dr F on the 25th Feb (Friday)
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