Today went to see Dr F for follicle scan to see the follicle growth rate. As usual, it took Dr F a long time to scan the left side, and seems to be ever so shy. I could see black circle round dot, but am not sure if it is because it's so faint. And it's really weird that my left side seems to be so shy! :( The right side remains with one and only follicle, though it's slightly bigger at 0.9mm but it's still not a ideal size. Dr F said at this stage the follicles are suppose to be at least 1.2-1.4mm and there should be more. One on each side is still not very positive.
Dr F gave us options:
1 - Stop the treatment now
2 - Continue with the treatment in hope that during the next visit there will be positive news
The thing is, the dosage is already increased to the max but the effect seems to be no difference from previous treatment. If we stop the treatment now, the one and only follicle (albeit small) will not have any chance to mature at this stage, it will require continuous medication to grow. If we continue with the expensive medication of jabs, if it continues to be just one follicle, the ROI is too low to justify the continuity. After looking at the chart of my previous treatment, my follicles growth rate was really a late boomer and they grew at an amazing rate too.
Hmmm... After discussion all the options and all the effects, we decided to continue for the next 3 days to see if I am indeed a slow boomer. We'll just have to wait til Thursday again to see the progress. I must say I'm finally feeling the "defeat" for the first time...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Freaky Friday
On our way to see Dr F this morning, the traffic was exceptionally bad. So we made our way, slowly crawling on the road. And then we saw police diverting traffic to just one lane, to my horror there was a motorcycle crushed beyond repair. I thought, there is no wounded biker around, good. About 50m ahead, I saw people sitting by the roadside (busybody bikers and drivers actually STOPPED and PARKED their vehicle long the emergency lane and slip road) including one 18-wheeler lorry. Hubby moved from right lane to left lane because the cars on the right lane were really slow, but the traffic was smooth already. Anyway, just when I thought all is good, TO MY HORROR, I saw a (probably dead) man stuck underneath the right rear tires of the lorry. OMG~ What a sight! What a way to start my weekend. My sympathies to the family of the (probably dead) biker.
Ok back to my doctor's appointment. We had a follicle scan via (vee-jay-jay) ultrasound. Dr F said there are 3 tiny follicles 0.66mm (I think that's the measurement) on my right uterus. As for the one of the left, just like before, it took him a while to twist and turn the ultrasound to scan it properly. Can't seems to find anything.
So Dr F said he can only see 3 on the right and nothing on the left yet. It's still early, only Day4 of my injections. He compared to my previous chart and mentioned that it was 0.58 with 2 follicles on the right, and the ones on the left seems to be a late boomer that shows only when it was towards Day9. Oh well, at least it's bigger than before.
My dosage is now increased to 150iu of Menopur while maintaining the 400iu of the Puregon and 0.02cc of Buserelin. And I'm scheduled to return to see Dr F on Monday.
Ok back to my doctor's appointment. We had a follicle scan via (vee-jay-jay) ultrasound. Dr F said there are 3 tiny follicles 0.66mm (I think that's the measurement) on my right uterus. As for the one of the left, just like before, it took him a while to twist and turn the ultrasound to scan it properly. Can't seems to find anything.
So Dr F said he can only see 3 on the right and nothing on the left yet. It's still early, only Day4 of my injections. He compared to my previous chart and mentioned that it was 0.58 with 2 follicles on the right, and the ones on the left seems to be a late boomer that shows only when it was towards Day9. Oh well, at least it's bigger than before.
My dosage is now increased to 150iu of Menopur while maintaining the 400iu of the Puregon and 0.02cc of Buserelin. And I'm scheduled to return to see Dr F on Monday.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Getting the Hang of It
Hooray! Today's jab was easy. It's my 4th day, on the first 3 days, after I retracted the needles for Puregon, there were bits of blood oozing out. Ok maybe I was being dramatic here but yes there were more blood than usual. Today, no blood! Yaye! I have conquered Puregon! All is good!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Microgynon 30
Just a little bit a day about the medications that I consume daily - oral or intravenous.
The month before all the injections start, Dr F gave me Microgynon to consume orally. I've had Microgynon on my IUI, previous IVF and now prior to the current treatment. Microgynon is commonly known as "the pill." It is a hormonal contraceptive pill containing synthetic versions of female sex hormones, oestrogen and progesterone. Thus taking the pill kinda trick your body to over-riding your normal menstrual cycle. Microgynon comes in a strip of 30, and one for each day.
The pill works it's wonders by tricking your body that ovulation has already happened and this prevents an egg from ripening and being released. So however many times of "activity" you had while on the pills, nothing is gonna happen.
Having the pills prior to the IVF treatment ensures that when you starts all those hormonal treatment, you are not pregnant.
The month before all the injections start, Dr F gave me Microgynon to consume orally. I've had Microgynon on my IUI, previous IVF and now prior to the current treatment. Microgynon is commonly known as "the pill." It is a hormonal contraceptive pill containing synthetic versions of female sex hormones, oestrogen and progesterone. Thus taking the pill kinda trick your body to over-riding your normal menstrual cycle. Microgynon comes in a strip of 30, and one for each day.
The pill works it's wonders by tricking your body that ovulation has already happened and this prevents an egg from ripening and being released. So however many times of "activity" you had while on the pills, nothing is gonna happen.
Having the pills prior to the IVF treatment ensures that when you starts all those hormonal treatment, you are not pregnant.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Puregon is My Weakness
Today is my second Puregon shot and I have yet to master the technique! Hmmm... Well, the needle is extremely sharp so jabbing with it is not an issue at all. But it's when I tried to push the plunger that needs a bit more of a practice. I'm not asking for more jab but I'm pretty sure I have a couple more shots to go after my next visit to Dr F.
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Best-est Period of My Life!
During my last visit to Dr F, he mentioned that I will still get my period but it will be lighter than usual. At that time, I didn't really much attention to that. But when my period came this morning, I came without warming. Well, not really without since I have been having some spotting for a couple of days since I stopped Microgynon. But heck, I'm in for a pleasant surprise! My period came without any usual cramp, zippo, nil, na-dah, nothing, not even the slightest pain! So today is the BEST period of my life!
Not quite the piece of cake
21st Feb is my first day to have 3 jabs in the morning, though I've had Busereline & Menopur before, Puregon is new to me. This time the pen used to administer the Puregon is different from the one used for Gonal F (though both is just as expensive!) The first 2 jab was still piece of cake... when it's time for Puregon, I realised the needle was longer and thicker @_@ I thought to myself, it's ok. Boy was I wrong!!! Well, going in was easy since the needle was really sharp, but I had problem pressing the plunger! Alamak! So I had to release my pinch to hold the Puregon pen while the other hand used to press the plunger. The releasing was ok, no problemo... until I retract the pen. This is when the pain comes. Not quite sure why, but heck it was painful. Maybe because I released the "pinch" before I administer the jab. Let's do this again tomorrow!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Piece of Cake
This morning is my first jab after the first failed attempt. And it was really piece of cake. I only need to jab 0.02cc with the smallest needle you can find in the drug store! And here goes the process: Swap, draw med, check for air bubble, pinch and jab. See piece of cake right?
I'm thankful that I am not afraid of needles otherwise i cannot imagine how will I get through this. Some will enrol the help of the Hubby but mine is so frightful of needles that he will probably jab me with his eyes close! So, yes, I am eternally grateful to Him for this!
Since my morning jab is 8.30am, I will maintain morning jab at 8.30am and the evening on will try to get it administered at 8.30pm (12 hours apart).
I'm thankful that I am not afraid of needles otherwise i cannot imagine how will I get through this. Some will enrol the help of the Hubby but mine is so frightful of needles that he will probably jab me with his eyes close! So, yes, I am eternally grateful to Him for this!
Since my morning jab is 8.30am, I will maintain morning jab at 8.30am and the evening on will try to get it administered at 8.30pm (12 hours apart).
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Round 2
This morning appointment with Dr F was scheduled at 9am, and we were the 3rd to see him. I must say seeing Dr F is nothing fearful or stressful, it's quite a delight to see. Well, nothing like a friendly face that takes all those tension away :)
I told him about my 2 migraines while on Microgynon. He assured me that it can't be due to the medication since I was ok the last time, and even if it is due to the medication, it should happen immediately on day 1. Well, hopefully it will not happen again!
After a quickie ultra scan, all is clear and is good to go!
So this time, I will start my Buserelin on 20th Feb (Sun) for 0.02cc - one in the morning and one in the evening. Then the next day (21st Feb, Mon), I will have additional morning jabs of 400IU of Puregon and 0.5ml of Menopur.

Dr F mentioned that the "pick-up" date is estimated to me around mid-March.
After seeing Dr F, I waited for my name to be called for my medication pick-up. Boy, am I in for a surprise blood test!!! I can not afraid of the needles but it's such a hassle every time the nurses tried to draw blood out of my shy vein. Today, another nurse tried - she's the one from the surgical team. I only see her when I go for surgery. So her first attempt - on my right hand. Found the vein, poke and sooooo little blood slowly dripping into the syringe... I thought, oh no... not another time?? Well, the nurse was persistent and waited and poke deeper, held onto different position and slowly the blood dripped - drop by drop. The syringe was on the back of my palm for the LONGEST time. Well, at least I'm happy that it's one time got it over & done with! Yaye!
After that another nurse explained my medications to me - the schedule, the dosage, the usage etc. I'm such a good patient - I was thinking to myself. I didn't need much explanation as it was still very fresh in my memory how to administer myself. The only difference this time is the dosage. The nurse gave me my jab schedule with the dosage written on it - so all I need to is follow the schedule! And then I'm due back to see Dr F on the 25th Feb (Friday)
I told him about my 2 migraines while on Microgynon. He assured me that it can't be due to the medication since I was ok the last time, and even if it is due to the medication, it should happen immediately on day 1. Well, hopefully it will not happen again!
After a quickie ultra scan, all is clear and is good to go!
So this time, I will start my Buserelin on 20th Feb (Sun) for 0.02cc - one in the morning and one in the evening. Then the next day (21st Feb, Mon), I will have additional morning jabs of 400IU of Puregon and 0.5ml of Menopur.
Dr F mentioned that the "pick-up" date is estimated to me around mid-March.
After seeing Dr F, I waited for my name to be called for my medication pick-up. Boy, am I in for a surprise blood test!!! I can not afraid of the needles but it's such a hassle every time the nurses tried to draw blood out of my shy vein. Today, another nurse tried - she's the one from the surgical team. I only see her when I go for surgery. So her first attempt - on my right hand. Found the vein, poke and sooooo little blood slowly dripping into the syringe... I thought, oh no... not another time?? Well, the nurse was persistent and waited and poke deeper, held onto different position and slowly the blood dripped - drop by drop. The syringe was on the back of my palm for the LONGEST time. Well, at least I'm happy that it's one time got it over & done with! Yaye!
After that another nurse explained my medications to me - the schedule, the dosage, the usage etc. I'm such a good patient - I was thinking to myself. I didn't need much explanation as it was still very fresh in my memory how to administer myself. The only difference this time is the dosage. The nurse gave me my jab schedule with the dosage written on it - so all I need to is follow the schedule! And then I'm due back to see Dr F on the 25th Feb (Friday)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Feeling Differently
Today is my last day on Microgynon, and I have totally different feeling/symptoms. The last time I was on Microgynon was normal, no uneasy, no pain, no weird sensation, nothing... but this time, I have:
- Migraine - Mother of all headache! (Not once but twice!!!)
- Bloated - If you see my tummy, you will be scarred for life!
- Cramps - I've gotta feeling!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Not quite sure if the Microgynon is giving me the migraine. I've never had migraine in my life before until last week. and now am having another one! It's even more frequent than having period!! Unfortunately the attack was after clinic hours and tomorrow is a public holiday, I wanted to ask Dr F if I should stop the Microgynon immediately. Sigh, looks like I shall continue then since I should stop the pills on 16th, just 2 more days to go!
Bloated & slight cramp
After taking the Microgynon for 14 days, all I'm feeling is bloated and I get slight cramps - the kind of feeling that you get when your period is coming. But the thing is, it has only been 2 weeks since my last period, how can I be feeling the cramps so soon? I'll be seeing Dr F this Saturday morning, got to remind myself to tell him this.
Let's see what does he have in store for me this time.
I was clearing up our room, and I found that I still have a few syringes left, I wonder if there I'll be needing the same ones. Note to self: bring extra syringes, bring ice pack.
Let's see what does he have in store for me this time.
I was clearing up our room, and I found that I still have a few syringes left, I wonder if there I'll be needing the same ones. Note to self: bring extra syringes, bring ice pack.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Meds Is On!
Tomorrow is the Lunar New Year and I will be heading home to see my parents on second day. I can't wait for Friday to come!! Today is my second day on Microgynon, no weird bloating or nausea feeling. Yesterday is my first time reading the leaflet that comes with the box! Haha! Well, the only thing I will totally hate about is that this could cost me gain more weight... gosh! I'm already puffy and flabby, I don't want anymore!!! And let's hope I don't gain too much! :)
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