With the laproscopy, it will be able to tell in detail if the tube is blocked and disrupting the release of egg.
The laproscopy is to be performed on the 10-12 day after my period. Well, I can't be doing it before the Chinese New Year, so it is gonna be around 23-25 Feb. I can estimate the time due to the fact that my body clock works like a very precise alarm - my cycle 29 days, on the dot every month. It was still accurate since officially, my staining did start 29 days after my previous period.
We will then decide if we should do another round of IUI or go straight to IVF.
After the consultation with Dr F, the nurse went through a session with us on laproscopy and IVF. We went through a slide show and it was indeed very educational. I see how both a laproscopy and IVF is done and got a better understanding. Great!
Now, blood test - as prescribed by Dr F. All is good, up until NOW! I warned the nurse that I'm one of those that you cannot find the vein for blood test. I warned her to use the smallest tiniest needle that they have in stock. I was so unprepared.... I used to do some lifting before going for my blood test back in KL, making sure there is hope that the vein will pop.
Poke #1 - Right Arm. Needle (not the tiniest one) went in, pull the shringe, oops, no blood. Poke a bit around and deeper, still no blood. FAILED.

Poke #3 - Left hand, right below my ring finger. Same butterfly needle, went it - PAIIINNNNN... She poked around a bit, moving the needle around to find the again collapsed vein. And this had turned to the worst ever blood test experienced I'll ever have! Again, no blood. FAILED.
Poke #4 - (Another nurse) I was told to try to lay on the examination bed. Ok, which is fine by me. This time it's Right arm - again. (Refer to Poke #1) This time slightly to the left, the earlier was to the right. Needle in, but nothing out. NOT A DROP OF BLOOD... By now, I thought I'm immune to the needle puncturing my skin. I was wrong... (Refer to Poke #5)
Poke #5 - Right wrist, below the thumb area. By now I've probably used up their monthly supply of needles! Needle in, move about, still no blood. The nurse moved the needle around the punctured area - poked deeper, move left, move right, again left, deeper, right... Ah.... sign on SOME blood flow. BUT NO, the blood flow decided to stopped after maybe 0.1ml??? I thought it was over and done... SIGH~~~~~
By now, the nurses decided to send me to the Gribbles Lab which is right opposite the clinic. (I've never realise there is a lab there!)
Poke #6 - A lab technician came, and took the largest needle I've seen out from the drawer. She sat me on the chair, massage my vein a bit... and poked the largest ever needle into my left arm. And when she pulled the shringe, HALLELUJAH!!!! BLOOD FLOW!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!! Finally after 6 attempts, blood was finally drawn from me!
There you go.. my blood test drama. I wonder if I should request Dr F to do it the next time when there is another blood test. I think by now, the nurses are scared to hear that I need to do any blood test! Hahaha...
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