Thursday, January 21, 2010
Punctured Wound (21/01/2010)
Well, 3 days after my blood testing drama, the evidence still lingers on. (From the top: Left wrist, left arm)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Blood test drama (18/01/2010)
Made an appointment to see Dr F in the afternoon of 18th Jan, and we've decided to proceed with the laproscopy to remove the 2 cysts. Dr F said that the cysts might not be blocking the flow of dye during the HSG I had, but it could still post problem to the release of egg - as seen last month during my folicle scan that the folicle is lodged between the cysts.
Poke #2 - (Another nurse) Left wrist, just below the thumb. This time the nurse used the weirdest needle I've seen. I remember she called it the "butterfly." But the needle on the head of the buttefly needle that she used was still too biiiiiiggggg! The moment she poked, my vein collapsed. FAILED.
With the laproscopy, it will be able to tell in detail if the tube is blocked and disrupting the release of egg.
The laproscopy is to be performed on the 10-12 day after my period. Well, I can't be doing it before the Chinese New Year, so it is gonna be around 23-25 Feb. I can estimate the time due to the fact that my body clock works like a very precise alarm - my cycle 29 days, on the dot every month. It was still accurate since officially, my staining did start 29 days after my previous period.
We will then decide if we should do another round of IUI or go straight to IVF.
After the consultation with Dr F, the nurse went through a session with us on laproscopy and IVF. We went through a slide show and it was indeed very educational. I see how both a laproscopy and IVF is done and got a better understanding. Great!
Now, blood test - as prescribed by Dr F. All is good, up until NOW! I warned the nurse that I'm one of those that you cannot find the vein for blood test. I warned her to use the smallest tiniest needle that they have in stock. I was so unprepared.... I used to do some lifting before going for my blood test back in KL, making sure there is hope that the vein will pop.
Poke #1 - Right Arm. Needle (not the tiniest one) went in, pull the shringe, oops, no blood. Poke a bit around and deeper, still no blood. FAILED.

Poke #3 - Left hand, right below my ring finger. Same butterfly needle, went it - PAIIINNNNN... She poked around a bit, moving the needle around to find the again collapsed vein. And this had turned to the worst ever blood test experienced I'll ever have! Again, no blood. FAILED.
Poke #4 - (Another nurse) I was told to try to lay on the examination bed. Ok, which is fine by me. This time it's Right arm - again. (Refer to Poke #1) This time slightly to the left, the earlier was to the right. Needle in, but nothing out. NOT A DROP OF BLOOD... By now, I thought I'm immune to the needle puncturing my skin. I was wrong... (Refer to Poke #5)
Poke #5 - Right wrist, below the thumb area. By now I've probably used up their monthly supply of needles! Needle in, move about, still no blood. The nurse moved the needle around the punctured area - poked deeper, move left, move right, again left, deeper, right... Ah.... sign on SOME blood flow. BUT NO, the blood flow decided to stopped after maybe 0.1ml??? I thought it was over and done... SIGH~~~~~
By now, the nurses decided to send me to the Gribbles Lab which is right opposite the clinic. (I've never realise there is a lab there!)
Poke #6 - A lab technician came, and took the largest needle I've seen out from the drawer. She sat me on the chair, massage my vein a bit... and poked the largest ever needle into my left arm. And when she pulled the shringe, HALLELUJAH!!!! BLOOD FLOW!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!! Finally after 6 attempts, blood was finally drawn from me!
There you go.. my blood test drama. I wonder if I should request Dr F to do it the next time when there is another blood test. I think by now, the nurses are scared to hear that I need to do any blood test! Hahaha...
Monday, January 18, 2010
Unsuccessful Case #01 (18/01/2010)
Sorry about the abrupt cut of the previous post.. I was running late the other day.
Anyway... What had happen was I had some sort of staining for 3 days (Fri-Sun), but today, my body finally told me the answer - it was an unsuccessful try, so I'm in the 80% statistic that didn't get a positive result.
Had made an appointment to see Dr. F. Then we will decide see if I should proceed with the laproscopy or give it another try.
Anyway... What had happen was I had some sort of staining for 3 days (Fri-Sun), but today, my body finally told me the answer - it was an unsuccessful try, so I'm in the 80% statistic that didn't get a positive result.
Had made an appointment to see Dr. F. Then we will decide see if I should proceed with the laproscopy or give it another try.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Still have to wait til tomorrow (15/1/2010)
I discovered that I have a few drops of stain just a while ago, so I thought is this the end of first attempt? I've heard that some pregnant women will still have some form of staining even when they are pregnant. So.. I'm not sure...
I called the clinic and described to the nurse about my staining. She checked my file and asked me if my flow is a lot. I told her that it was just a few drops, so she said to wait until tomorrow see if the flow is heavy.
Oh wait... I need to call back the clinic to check if I should continue my meds.
I called the clinic and described to the nurse about my staining. She checked my file and asked me if my flow is a lot. I told her that it was just a few drops, so she said to wait until tomorrow see if the flow is heavy.
Oh wait... I need to call back the clinic to check if I should continue my meds.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Still waiting... (12/1/2010)
The days seemed to go by so slowly... But I'm not sure if this is going to be a success story just yet.
I have been feeling these cramps, though on and off, it can be quite uncomfortable. It feels just like period cramps - exactly actually. So I'm not sure if it's normal at all! All we can do now, is still wait and see...
I have been feeling these cramps, though on and off, it can be quite uncomfortable. It feels just like period cramps - exactly actually. So I'm not sure if it's normal at all! All we can do now, is still wait and see...
Monday, January 4, 2010
What is Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)?

IUI is where the "washed sperm" is inserted into uterus using a thin flexible catherer.
The process of inserting the catherer usually doesn't take very long, but since the procedure has to be done with a full bladder - the whole waiting for your bladder to fill up might take long.
The best timing to perform the IUI (according to Dr F) is to be done within the 24hours of ovulation- detected through LH surge in urine and ultrascan of the follicle. That's why I had to visit the doctor every 2 days to monitor.
For me the whole process leading to IUI procedure goes like this:
- Arrange to see doctor on 2nd or 3rd day of mensus
- Immediately start jab & medicine (Clomid) for continuous of 5 days
- Return to see doctor on day 11 (where I had 2 more jab), 13 then 15.
- On day 15, IUI is done. Along with the IUI, I had another jab - which is injected to the lower abdomen by the nurse with REAL NEEDLE/SHRINGE (the needle was as long as 2 inches!) and I am now on medication (Duphaston)- to stop on first sign on period
For now, it's gonna be a wait of 2-weeks or until 23 January.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year - and today is THE day! (1/1/2010)
Happy New Year 2010!
We were out for fireworks display in Singapore - and to our disappointment it could have been better rather than the usual bang-bang, even the frequency of the fireworks are slow. But I'm glad we went on a "spontaneous" quickie outing to Singapore!
Anyway... This morning's appointment was slightly earlier than usual. So we head out to the clinic early today. Usual routine - PEE... Gosh! I have NO PEE!!!!! I sat in the bathroom for a couple of minutes, no pee!!! So, I came out, drank 2 glass full of water. After a while, I tried to go into the bathroom to try to squeeze out any pee that I have. Well, it did, but it was like 10 drops of it! Haha... Even with that little pee, I returned the container to the nurse. She said it was good enough! Phew!!!!!!!!! I couldn't possibly pee again!!
Dr F is back - so happy! When I had my follicle scan, I can clearly see the follicle has shrunk - Dr F was surprised too. He commented that there was some fluid in my uterus - which he said it meant I had ovulated. BUT, as we sat back down at his workstation, my urine test showed NEGATIVE. Hmmm... so have I or have I not. Dr F said that the peak of the hormone surge for 24hours, so it is possible that either I ovulated this morning and the hormone is not high enough for detection OR I ovulated yesterday already.
So Dr F said to go ahead with the IUI today. So so so... today is THE DAY!! Before we left the room, Dr F said I had to have a full bladder for the IUI procedure. Hmmm.. interesting...
Hubby had to submit his specimen *ahem, while I wait outside. Then the lab will have "wash the sperm" to prepare for IUI. This process takes about an hour, so we waited at the clinic. Since Dr F said I had to have a full bladder for the procedure, I kept drinking after each time I visited the bathroom.
After about an hour, the nurse told me to empty my bowel and then drink 1.5 cups of water - which I obliged. Then nurse brought me the procedure room and I had to lie down for 5-10 minutes and she will come back again to check my bladder.
10minutes went pass, nurse came in and did an ultrasound and said that my bladder is not full enough. "Another 10 more minutes," she said. Another 10 minute came and gone, she came in again to check, still not enough! Hmmm... I was curious why must my bladder be full to perform the IUI. She showed me my ultrascan, she said "the white line must be like this (her palm showed an almost 150degree slant), so doctor can see your uterus to perform the procedure." Oh ok, fine. So I waited for another good 15mintues this time (yes, I was keeping track of my time), another nurse came in and did the ultrasound scan. She asked if my bladder is full, I said "Yes, and I need to pee very badly." She then allow me to take a leak - literrally, I can only pee a bit.... Oh my this is tough! When I was in the bathroom, I almost had the urge to EMPTY MY BLADDER! I did my best to "pee a bit."
When I came back, the nurse did the scan, she said, "Oh, have to wait a bit more. Still cannot see properly." I was like, "Heck! Then don't ask me to pee lah!" She said this time 5-10minutes more should be ok. FINE~~ I went back to my place, laid down (mind you half naked and covered with a thin pieace of cloth, with aircon blowing at me). After 5 minutes, it felt like I HAD TO PEE again!!!! Gosh!!! The nurse came and scan and not to my surprise, not full enough and guess what - another 5-10minutes! Oh heck................. speechless...........
It was getting colder, and I STRONGLY need to PEE BADLY!!! 10minutes passed, and no sign of nurse. I got down on the bed, pace around the area (butt naked) for at least another half an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, I HAD TO PEE!!!!
Finally Dr F came, saw me pacing around asked if I had to pee. I said YES!!! He asked if I can hold on, I asked if the procedure is going to be very long. He said just a short 1-2minutes. Oh heck.... LET'S DO IT!
As I went up on the bed, the climb made me wanna pee so badly!!
Anyway, Dr F started the procedure in no time. I actually wasn't looking at anything, I just close my eyes braving myself not to pee on Dr F's face! I could feel a little sensation of pricking pain, but I couldn't be bothered. I kept bracing myself, telling myself not to pee, hold the pee.
And Dr F was right, it was no more than 2 minutes and it was done. He said that I should stay in bed for another 10-15minutes. I almost wanna cry!! So I stayed in bed, but I REALLY CANNOT HOLD MY PEE ANYMORE. All in all, I held onto my pee for the last 1.5hours!!!!
Nurse came and checked on me, if I'm ok. I told her I really CANNOT HOLD MY PEE ANYMORE, and PLEASE LET ME GO PEE!!!!! She insisted I can't, so... she gave me the urinal pan to pee in the bed... The instant she left it underneath my buttock, I PEED - none stop for a good 5 minutes I think!! What a feeling! Such a relief!
After that I still had to stay in bed for another 30minutes. The nursed allowed hubby into the procedure room to accompany me. So I told hubby about my dire need to pee and that I wasn't sure what did Dr F just did to me - I was too distracted by my urge to pee.
After all is over, I got up and the nurse dispensed me some medication and we left for lunch!
We were out for fireworks display in Singapore - and to our disappointment it could have been better rather than the usual bang-bang, even the frequency of the fireworks are slow. But I'm glad we went on a "spontaneous" quickie outing to Singapore!
Anyway... This morning's appointment was slightly earlier than usual. So we head out to the clinic early today. Usual routine - PEE... Gosh! I have NO PEE!!!!! I sat in the bathroom for a couple of minutes, no pee!!! So, I came out, drank 2 glass full of water. After a while, I tried to go into the bathroom to try to squeeze out any pee that I have. Well, it did, but it was like 10 drops of it! Haha... Even with that little pee, I returned the container to the nurse. She said it was good enough! Phew!!!!!!!!! I couldn't possibly pee again!!
Dr F is back - so happy! When I had my follicle scan, I can clearly see the follicle has shrunk - Dr F was surprised too. He commented that there was some fluid in my uterus - which he said it meant I had ovulated. BUT, as we sat back down at his workstation, my urine test showed NEGATIVE. Hmmm... so have I or have I not. Dr F said that the peak of the hormone surge for 24hours, so it is possible that either I ovulated this morning and the hormone is not high enough for detection OR I ovulated yesterday already.
So Dr F said to go ahead with the IUI today. So so so... today is THE DAY!! Before we left the room, Dr F said I had to have a full bladder for the IUI procedure. Hmmm.. interesting...
Hubby had to submit his specimen *ahem, while I wait outside. Then the lab will have "wash the sperm" to prepare for IUI. This process takes about an hour, so we waited at the clinic. Since Dr F said I had to have a full bladder for the procedure, I kept drinking after each time I visited the bathroom.
After about an hour, the nurse told me to empty my bowel and then drink 1.5 cups of water - which I obliged. Then nurse brought me the procedure room and I had to lie down for 5-10 minutes and she will come back again to check my bladder.
10minutes went pass, nurse came in and did an ultrasound and said that my bladder is not full enough. "Another 10 more minutes," she said. Another 10 minute came and gone, she came in again to check, still not enough! Hmmm... I was curious why must my bladder be full to perform the IUI. She showed me my ultrascan, she said "the white line must be like this (her palm showed an almost 150degree slant), so doctor can see your uterus to perform the procedure." Oh ok, fine. So I waited for another good 15mintues this time (yes, I was keeping track of my time), another nurse came in and did the ultrasound scan. She asked if my bladder is full, I said "Yes, and I need to pee very badly." She then allow me to take a leak - literrally, I can only pee a bit.... Oh my this is tough! When I was in the bathroom, I almost had the urge to EMPTY MY BLADDER! I did my best to "pee a bit."
When I came back, the nurse did the scan, she said, "Oh, have to wait a bit more. Still cannot see properly." I was like, "Heck! Then don't ask me to pee lah!" She said this time 5-10minutes more should be ok. FINE~~ I went back to my place, laid down (mind you half naked and covered with a thin pieace of cloth, with aircon blowing at me). After 5 minutes, it felt like I HAD TO PEE again!!!! Gosh!!! The nurse came and scan and not to my surprise, not full enough and guess what - another 5-10minutes! Oh heck................. speechless...........
It was getting colder, and I STRONGLY need to PEE BADLY!!! 10minutes passed, and no sign of nurse. I got down on the bed, pace around the area (butt naked) for at least another half an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, I HAD TO PEE!!!!
Finally Dr F came, saw me pacing around asked if I had to pee. I said YES!!! He asked if I can hold on, I asked if the procedure is going to be very long. He said just a short 1-2minutes. Oh heck.... LET'S DO IT!
As I went up on the bed, the climb made me wanna pee so badly!!
Anyway, Dr F started the procedure in no time. I actually wasn't looking at anything, I just close my eyes braving myself not to pee on Dr F's face! I could feel a little sensation of pricking pain, but I couldn't be bothered. I kept bracing myself, telling myself not to pee, hold the pee.
And Dr F was right, it was no more than 2 minutes and it was done. He said that I should stay in bed for another 10-15minutes. I almost wanna cry!! So I stayed in bed, but I REALLY CANNOT HOLD MY PEE ANYMORE. All in all, I held onto my pee for the last 1.5hours!!!!
Nurse came and checked on me, if I'm ok. I told her I really CANNOT HOLD MY PEE ANYMORE, and PLEASE LET ME GO PEE!!!!! She insisted I can't, so... she gave me the urinal pan to pee in the bed... The instant she left it underneath my buttock, I PEED - none stop for a good 5 minutes I think!! What a feeling! Such a relief!
After that I still had to stay in bed for another 30minutes. The nursed allowed hubby into the procedure room to accompany me. So I told hubby about my dire need to pee and that I wasn't sure what did Dr F just did to me - I was too distracted by my urge to pee.
After all is over, I got up and the nurse dispensed me some medication and we left for lunch!
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