Today is Christmas Eve - tomorrow is the day that Christ was born in Bethlehem more than 2 thousand years ago. I am forever grateful for this.
I am thankful also that today is the eve of my last jab :)
This morning woke up, looking at the sky outside thinking, "Hmmm.. it's still dark out there." Then I asked hubby about the time, "It's 8.30." I opened my eyes wide - oh no! I need to jab by 8am!!! In my peejays, I ran downstairs to the fridge and grabbed my box. And ran back into my bedroom.
Thinking to myself: remember the steps, don't miss any. And lovely hubby decided to take pictures of me jabbing! Hahaha, I haven't seen the photographs yet so I wonder how it looks like from a different perspective.
Well, you see, I just woke up (without brushing my teeth or washing up), obviously the pinching part is a little lack of strength! Hahahah... As I pinched, I jab, "Ouch!" The needle went in 1mm perhaps, and I pulled it out. (Surprised that at this time hubby hasn't fainted yet) Again I pinched harder, and JAB!!!!!!!! Phew, this time it went in well. Counting backward from 10... and release........ Ah~ a sigh of relief.
Tomorrow is the last dosage, and my sis & my mom will be around tomorrow. Not sure if they are ready to see me jab myself! Hahaha! After tomorrow, I will be returning to Dr F on 28 December. He mentioned that I will be scheduled for Follicle Scan. So let's pray that all the jab is fruitful!
Extra note: I just browsed through some of the photographs that hubby took this morning, I realised I have "blue-black" marks surrounding the jab area. I wonder if I did it right???
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