Tuesday, January 31, 2012

There is no sleep

When a child is sick, is it always the mother that has the sleepless nights and days?

To be fair, the hubs got to go work so obviously the mom had to take the graveyard shift AND the daylight shift. Oh and that means 24 hours!!

Little Andrew had fever since yesterday morning. And after visiting the doctor, it is confirmed that Little Andrew has bacterial infection and had to go in antibiotic because his fever wouldn't go away after 2 dose of paracetamol.

Now after 1 more paracetamol and 2 ibuprofen, the fever seems to be under control. Little one was not interested with milk and was sleeping mostly before that. But now after his 3am meds, seems to be normal again because he cries loudly (his usual self) for milk ;) I am glad that he is asking for milk, otherwise I would have been worried.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Silent Acknowledgment

As I pushed Andrew's stroller through the crowded shopping mall, I see other mothers, I realised we silently exchanged a little smile as if acknowledging each other's effort. I admit that kinda give you a pat in the shoulder for doing a good job.

To all mothers out there- there is no right or wrong upbringing of your child, there is only your technique because you know your child best.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

What's with the poo?

Little Andrew has been on formula since his first feed. It's unfortunate that I don't have any - well there is but it's way too insignificant, like 0.2ml each time I expressed.

Formula fed means less poo because it will take time for the little tummy to process and make poo. Little Andrew used to do it once a day but we find that they were way too "hard" so we thought we should change his formula.

He started with Anmum Infacare. Besides having hard poo, baby is also feeling kinda "heaty" with lots of prickly heat on the face.

Then we changed to Mead Johnson's Enfagrow. Little Andrew either didn't like it or his tummy wouldn't agree with it. He spit out way too much after each feed. The texture is smoother compare to Anmum's and it's less milky smell.

Since he spit out too much, we decided to try Abbott's Similac. I find this way too chemical- not only the formula but baby's poo smell chemical. We didn't like it at all.

So in the end we decided not to try other brands, we went back to Anmum's. Since we find it "heaty" we will just have to give Little Andrew more water between his feed.

Oh and his poo turned to GREEN colour ever since he had Similac >.< We were quite shocked the first time because he had been passing out yellow poo and all of a sudden it turned green!!! You should see the horror and the worry on my face when I changed his diaper or rather when I see the green poo coming out!!

After asking around it seems normal. We waited until Little Andrew's doctor review to ask Dr K. Dr K assured us that it is normal - because we showed him pictures. He said green poo means high fat content in the formula that he is drinking. Phew! Now we can finally breath a sign of relief!

The green poo reminds me of his early poo that was BLACK and scary~~~

The pacifier (Update1)

Little Andrew has been having the pacifier for a while now. I'm not sure if it's because it's too small (but I think they are all the same size for 0-3 months), it keeps falling off him! And we have become the slave holder at times.

I must say the pacifier sometimes does help soothes the baby.

The other reason why we let little Andrew has his pacifier - The pacifier is easier to get rid off than his thumbs!!! Some people will tell you not to give because you will have problem getting rid of if. To me, you can still get rid of it one day but you can't stop him from sucking his thumb!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

First passport stamp

We decided to cross the causeway and stayed a night. It wasn't easy packing for the baby! We got Andrew his first luggage- a Tumi duffle bag. It's big enough to hold all his stuff: clothing (4 sets), diapers (20 pieces), milk bottle (all 6 of them) and formula and toiletries- all these for an overnight stay.

The trip was to shop for baby's stuff and of course to meet up with a big brother (my bestie's 2 years old son). We ended up buying a portable bath tub (we needed it of we plan to travel more to Singapore, as well as trips back to Sabah) and some clothing items (in fact, a lot coz everything is so cute and I just couldn't resist). I also managed to squeeze sometime out and bought a watch :)

Little Andrew was alert most of the time during the shopping around. I'm not sure because he looked around a lot or he couldn't sleep well in the stroller from all the humps and bumps! He probably did enjoy it too :) At night at the hotel, he slept with us instead of in the cot provided by the hotel because i find it was way too hard for his soft body. I don't want my poor baby to waking up he while night from discomfort! He ended up not sleeping through but his normal 3 hours cycle.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I'm trying to get little Andrew settle into his daily routine so that he will be happier and me will have more time to do my stuff.

It's roughly like this:
Midnight: Last feed
5am: Breakfast 1
8am: Breakfast 2
10.30am: Bath time
11am: Tea time & play a bit in the room
2pm: Lunch & play downstairs
5pm: Tea time & nap
8pm: Dinner & wipe down & nap/sleep
11/12am: Last feed

That's standard routine but of course it changes as we go out. but so far the feeding time is every 3+/- hours except for at night where he will sleep longer (5+/- hours)