Yesterday the procedure started late because the anaesthesian was caught up with an emergency surgery somewhere. So instead of 12noon, I had my procedure at about 1.20pm. The nurse let me in the surgical room at about 12.15pm, and ya I was alone most of the time in the surgical room. So I checked out my surrounding, I saw my heart beating at a pace of 82, 80, 89....
When the anaethesian came, he tried to find my vein and he failed miserably blaming my small blood vessel!! Hmp!!! I was poke 3 times before he could get it right! Unbelivable! Each poke is more painful than the previous one! Anyway, after he got it in and injected me with the meds, I did the count myself to see how long it will take for me to go under. 10... 9... 8... 7............... "Su Ying, your surgery is over d"
When I open my eyes, I was in the recovery area already. I was up and walking in 10mintues back to the bed! Yaye! This time I felt fine, no vomiting, no dizziness. All is good. Nurse said that I must pee before they let me go. Hmmm... But I didn't drink anything since 11pm the night before! Anyway I tried to pee, probably managed to squeeze my bladder dry with the few droplets of pee.
Prior to discharging, the nurse gave me medication. And I had to consume it at a specific time, 11pm, 11am & 11pm. The meeds given was Cyglogel and one must insert it via the VGG! OMG!!!! I can take needle anytime but VGG is something else. This is like wearing tampons I think. Sigh... For this I'll leave it for hubby to do the job.
As soon as I got home, went to bed and rest again. Gonna sleep so much these couple of days! Yaye!