Sunday, June 30, 2013

My baby grows up way too fast

Each day little Andrew grows and I'm enjoying every moment of it. Be it happy days or getting-on-my-nerves days, I'm enjoying it all.

I told myself the boy gotta have more activities so he can grow mentally and intellectually or whatever-ly that he needs.

Little Andrew has just started to join a music class by Kindermusik. It's new to both of us and we are both learning together :) I'm glad that he didn't cry!!! Hahaha! So I think he enjoys it even though he hasn't a clue what's going on!

The main reason I need him to join this is for him to learn things and have some interactions with other children same or similar to his age. By joining this, I can also pick up some tips on what to activities can we do together at home.

Partly I have my concern and another reason for me to let little Andrew have more things to do/learn is the thought of him having traits of autism. His lack of eye contact really scares me coz that is the first thing you read about.

Even though we have only gone for one class, it has improved. I guess the other part that plays important factor is TV/iPad time. As much as I can, I am limiting or omitting those out of his daily routine. Today I did let him play for less than 30 minutes. He was happy with it and I'm glad he didn't throw a tantrum nowadays when I said it's times up and I proceed to switch it off.

And other skills that I thought he did well are:
- (sometimes) after stripping him, he will put them into the laundry basket
- (sometimes) after taking out his diaper, throwing into the bin and close the lid
- feeding himself with spoonful of rice scooped up for him. Am gonna let him learn to scoop it up himself soon!! Gotta be fun!
- Allowing us to brush his teeth. Though he sometimes like to bite it!
- Knows how to lift up his limbs when wearing clothes or putting up his legs when putting on his shoes
- Knows how shapes work and can differentiate the shapes

There maybe more things that he can do now that I'm not sure if I've listed them before. But I'm glad he is growing and hopefully he enjoys all the time spent with me!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Been a while...

Wow! I've been lazy updating lately... Sigh... Ever since the HFMD, little Andrew had 2 other incidents.

The first was a football injury. We were playing ball and then Daddy was talking to mummy and I only turned my head for that split second, and our little footballer did a header - onto the floor! Oh boy oh boy! This has to be the loudest ever little Andrew had ever cry! 

Just when the forehead recovered, another incident happened when little Andrew fell and knocked the back of his head. And daddy had no clue how could you possibly fell from the bed since you have already mastered getting down the bed! Besides the "tallest building" there was also bleeding. And this happened when I was at work! I drove madly home and off we go to the hospital. 

And when we arrived the clinic, little Andrew cried like there is NO TOMORROW at the sight of the nurses counter. And it got worse when we were in the doctor's room! You used to be a champion!!!! Sigh! I think little Andrew now hates going to see his pediatrician. Boohoo~

So heart-wrenching to see my little Andrew cried so much and in pain. During lunch little Andrew leaned back on the high chair and touched the back of his head, and he let out another one of his loudest cry :( During nap time, he just turned sideways by himself. so still in pain...

But when evening came and it's time for bed, it seems nothing had happen already. He rolled and turned and did all sorts of stunts before falling asleep on his back again.